for the Discipline of Dreaming

there is always a starting point . . . or two


there is always a starting point . . . or two 〰️

I t took me a long time to realize what a “ journal”l was for or supposed to be. I had been brain fogged by everything I had read about what they were SUPPOSED to be and so whenever I tried those models I got about two into it and stopped. I had even purchased incredibly unique & different ‘blank page’ bindings that sat on the shelf for decades because I was too afraid to start anything in them sensing that I would lonely ruin them. And then, finally, one day a couple of years ago it clicked. A couple of years later, my wife/muse/marketing director gave me a small 5x7 book that was the perfect size. The proverbial lightbulb went off as I realized I could combine my written ideas with tiny prints off my desktop printer, use my array of multi-colored masking tapes and just let my thoughts run wild. It remains incredibly stimulating for me. Many of the pages resulted in larger scale works. Other pages have just become sheer experimentation that leads to other ideas and so on. In honor of Edward Weston I just decided that “Daybooks” was a good word for them. And on they go…