The Naked Potato
& Her Hot Friends
They Tried to Warn Me Against Playing with My Food
They Tried to Warn Me Against Playing with My Food 〰️
One night during the pandemic I walked into my pantry but having no idea as to the secret lives of vegetables,
I was not prepared for the tawdriness of what I saw.

the ORIGINAL Naked Potato

One Hot Tomato

The Black Shroom

Artichoke Rose

The Shrouded Savoy

Banquo's Ghost

The Shrine

Startled Sir Savoy

One of the Three Witches

Naughty Peppers

The Attraction of the Stems

Tomato Tongue Licking Good

Hot Tomato Too


The Swollen Vein

What Stump?

The Potato Has Been Drinking, Not Me

Fleshy Peppers

Pepper Odalisque

The Naked Pepper

Quasimodo Pepper

Fury of the Pepper

Luscious Pepper

Peppery Flame of Love

The Naked Pepper

Spuds Get in Gear

Circus Spud

Seal Spud

Twerky Potato

Po-Ten-Tater the Great

Venus de Potato

Tawdry Tater

The Whale

Big Stud

Studus Erectus

The Scarred Potato

The Scarred Potatoes