news & memorabilia

Ric Kallaher Ric Kallaher

Lisboa - amarelo e azul

Lisboa. Bonde vinte e oito + lambreta em amarelo sob um ceo azul.

Como visto nas ruas de Lisboa

Bonde vinte e oito + lambreta em amarelo sob um ceo azul.

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Ric Kallaher Ric Kallaher

Minha cidade dos sonhos…

Wandering through my City of Dreams - Lisboa

Lisboa å Noite

Among the many enticing characteristics of Lisboa are the sensuous curves and undulating hills. A feast for the eyes. Roaming along the cobblestoned streets at night is like wandering through a dreamscape.

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Ric Kallaher Ric Kallaher

Last Year in . . .

El Somnambulisto returned last night . . .

LizBoa In Marienbad

The Sunday Post:
Last night, El Somnambulisto returned.
Suddenly it was
LizBoa Year in Marienbad.
Or am I getting my places confused?
It's so frustrating when I wake up
and the answers disappear
like vapor
on a windy day.

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Ric Kallaher Ric Kallaher

Ohlos de Lisboa

Lisboa. Bonde vinte e oito + lambreta em amarelo sob um ceo azul.

Olhos de Lisboa

The Sandman, probably jet-lagged, arrived late last night. Maybe that's why I dreamt I was in the time zone of Lisboa and I saw a woman from the past staring into the windows of the state of the future of the state . . .
It was
But then I woke up.
And I was in Lisboa.

This post goes out to my great and longtime friend Donna Donato, Parisian expat photographer extraordinaire whose work of reflections & shadows on Instagram as
@parisdeed is an inventive & imaginative set of imagery. I was thinking of D when this image came to me.

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Ric Kallaher Ric Kallaher

Thought Cloud

El Somnambulisto returned last night . . .

Liz and her Thought Cloud

The Sunday Post:
I had a technicolor dream of Liz and her Thought Cloud

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